Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tanner Tuesday

Today we take a look at Tanner...he was bottle raised with one of his sisters. There were four kittens in his litter, but two went to a different foster home. Tanner has lived with me since he was 13 days old. We have been through a lot, and I am happy to be his mom! Tanner as a teenage kitten (6-8 months), playing on the treadmill...look how skinny he was!
Another Tanner as a kitten...he was about 5-6 months old here and not feeling well. He had a temperature and so just laid around. I couldn't take his temperature, so I drove him daily to another lady's house so she could do it. I finally broke down and bought an ear thermometer! I can do a lot of things medically to a cat, but that is not one of them!
Tanner about a year old or so...hanging out with some foster kittens on a towel covered heating pad. Everyone loved when the heating pads were available.

Curled up tight in a bed...
Trying to curl up tight, but this bed is a touch small for him...


  1. Tanner, you're such a handsome, sweet-looking mancat! We're glad you have a wonderful mom!

  2. Oh wow!! Tanner as a kitty is so adorable and look at him as a teenager and now as a fully grown mankitty!! Handsome and gorgeous!!

    Take care

  3. Tanner, you have grown from a cute kit to a handsome mancat!! We love how you tried to fit into your bed in that last picture!!

  4. Those are great pictures Tanner, you are sure a handsome lucky boy!

  5. Oh Tanner,,,, what a Cute Baby you were,,, and You have turned into a Gorgeous Mancat! You certainly look like you need a Larger Bed ~

  6. Tanner, Mommy has a soft spot for kitties like you, she calls them butterscotch sundaes! You've grown up to be such a Handsome Cat.

  7. You are very handsome Tanner, but I am sure to think that aren't I.

  8. Tanner you are one handsome boy!
    When we got our Sheltie (Dakota) his name used to be TANNER!! :)

  9. He's a handsome fella! Great pictures, and a bit too big for that bed!


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