Halloween was very low key at our house this year. Partly because I had to work, so I wasn't even home! The boys didn't dress up, but here is a picture of Larry the Ladybug rom last year.

Thanksgiving was short but filled with great food and fun with family. Mom makes the best turkey and dressing of anyone I know. We had turkey, ham, and all the fixin's...it was delicious! The only thing that would make it better is if the boys could have been there. Since I went to my parents house, which is about 4 hours away, I didn't take the boys with me. They don't mind riding in the car so much, well except Mojo, but they are really stressed out and nervous at new places. They enjoyed the holiday more by staying at our house alone. I hurried back on Friday to be with them. I gave them some turkey flavored canned food, and they were happy as clams.
The boys loved the decorations, and enjoyed sleeping under the Christmas trees. That's right, we put up two trees this year in the house! We were quite festive. They are both pre-lit, and very pretty. I need to work on taking photos of them with the flash off, but for now these photos will work. They show off the ornaments, which are the best part of the tree anyway!
This is the tree in the living room. Mojo enjoys sleeing under this one. We can see this one while watching tv, or eating. This is where we put our tree in 2006, our first Christmas in this house, but felt the neighbors were missing out because they couldn't see our beautiful tree. So, we bought the second one after Christmas for a great price. It's amazing how low the price for decorations drops after the holidays.
This tree is in the study, at the front of the house, so you can see it when you drive up. It is slightly smaller, but still a nice tree. Pirate and Devon tried to climb this one, but it kept on standing. I don't think anyone knocked any ornaments off this year, which is quite an accomplishment!
Again, my sister and I travelled home for Christmas. Tanner usually goes with me, but this year I left him behind because we had a special visitor going home with us. Sasha is a Tortoise we were pet sitting and since she likes to stay nice and warm, we decided to just take her with us. She traveled fine, and enjoyed walking in front of the heat vents in the bathroom. This is Sasha on Christmas morning about to enjoy her buffet of salad greens, banana pieces, and some red grapes. She looks excited doesn't she? 
We actually didn't let the cats around her, so I don't know how they would react.
Two more photos before I close out this post. I realize I haven't put any photos of the boys in this post, but they weren't around at the holidays. I'll close with a picture of my parents Christmas tree, and the one at my Granny's house. 
And this is me standing beside Granny's tree. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!