Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trio on Tuesday

This picture was taken many months ago, when the air was cold and down blankets were needed.
Everyone has a good spot...Devon loves that pillow, and lays on it every night when we watch tv. Side story here - This pillow was a favorite of a bunch of our foster kittens. They would lay on it and snuggle up to it. The material is almost like a faux fur or something and is very soft. We ended up buying several of these pillows from Target to send home with foster kittens. I'm sure those families thought we were nuts! Oh, here's your kitten and his pillow :)

Smokey loves a nest and the down throw is just perfect for him...nice and toasty warm!

Tanner likes his look-out spot from the back of the couch. We need to do something about the cushions....they are all getting squashed from the boys laying on them...anyone else have this problem? :)


  1. Everyone looks so cosy! We really don't want to think about needing warm blankets, not for several months at least. Our couch doesn't have squishy removable back cushions, either, so we don't have that problem. LOL. Maybe the next couch our human gets...if she ever gets one! :-D

  2. They look so happy and content. What a wonderful idea to send a pillow with the fosters when they go to their new homes........security pillows are as important as security blankies!!!!!!


  3. We think it's wonderful that the kittens went to their new homes with their own pillows!

  4. What a beautiful picture, y'all look comfy cozy and ready for snoozing!

  5. This is a great picture - and I think I remember when Target had those pillows!

    As far as the couch - yep, we have that problem too! And there is no cure that I have found - we decided to get a new couch (which is fine since I hate ours anyway) with a more solid, attached back. Lucky for me the style I like should hopefully work out well with the cats too (I really hope so!)

  6. What a great picture of the three of you!! We squish our cushions too...mom just keeps trying to floof them back into shape, and we just squish them again.

  7. What a wonderful pic!! Devon looks so at home on that pillow!! Smokey likes to snuggle into his down throw and Tanner likes to have that vantage view to keep an eye on these two!


    Take care

  8. They all look very comfy in their own spots.

  9. Ha, no such thing as an unsquished pillow in this house!!

  10. Jan is laughing at the squashed cushions cause it happened here too. We kitties wrecked the back of an old swivel rocker. It was so comfortable. Wish we still had it.


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