Friday, March 26, 2010

Floofy Friends Friday

Today I wanted to introduce some of our Floofy Friends. These are the girls that I catsit for on occasion.
Lily can be a wild woman...she loves to play with ribbons and chase balls around the floor.
Ally is a super sweet cotton ball. She loves to be held and snuggled. She begs for her laxatone in the evenings.
Here's another picture of Ally showing her belly on the screened porch.

Mimi is a petite thing and loves to be brushed. She's a good eater and doesn't mind finishing off the others cats food, if given the chance.

There's another cat in the group, named Reese. She's solid black, long haired as well, but she is extremely shy, so I didn't go after her with the camera :)


  1. WOWZA!!! They are some really good looking ladycats! MEOW!

  2. That's a good looking bunch...I wish my kids would beg for hairball goop!

  3. Oooh what beautiful, beautiful kitties to catsit! They're all so adorable - Lily's looking good, and Ally has super eyes and floofy belly and Mimi is just so sweet. A big hi to shy retiring Reese! Awwwww!

    Take care

  4. Oh such beautiful floofy friends! Lily is a gorgeous tortie!

  5. Wowza is right! Those are gorgeous ladycats! What fun to catsit and give them lots of attention.

  6. That sure is a nice looking group, such pretty smiles too!

  7. What a cute group of kitties! Thanks for introducing them to us!

  8. I would love to moonlight as a catsitter. How great that you have these beautiful ladies to take care of!

  9. They are cuties! Thanks for introducing us to your floofy furiends!

  10. Woohoo! What beautiful ladycats your friends are.

  11. Oh, they are beautiful! Thank you for introducing us to your friends. :)

  12. That's a good looking bunch...I wish my kids would beg for hairball goop
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