Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tuesday Travels - College Fjord

Today is our last day on the ship.  We have all enjoyed our time together.
This is our dinner group.  We loved hearing what each one did during the days, and what excursions were planned for the next day.  The family we sat with was from Michigan. 
Interesting sites again today...more glaciers and ice.

From Wikipedia "College Fjord is a fjord located in the northern sector of Prince William Sound in the U.S. state of Alaska. The fjord contains five tidewater glaciers (glaciers that terminate in water), five large valley glaciers, and dozens of smaller glaciers"

Also from Wikipedia, "Geographically speaking, a fjord is a  long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created by a glacier."

This, and the remaining photos are all the Harvard Glacier.

Here a chunk just calved off into the sea...

This thing is HUGE...do you see the small boat?


  1. Gorgeous pics of the glacier! I do see the small boat in the last pic, had to enlarge it, though. I would NOT want to be that close to the glacier in a small boat, thank you very much!

    What a fabulous trip you had, thanks for sharing. :-)

  2. More beautiful photos from your cruise. When we were there the seals were pupping so we couldn't go in too close, but it still felt almost as if you could reach out and touch it.


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