Thursday, October 08, 2009

Together on Thursday

Tanner loved when we fostered and he was such a good 'mom' to all the kittens. This always surprised me, since he didn't have a mom, other than me, when he was growing up. Yet, somehow he knew what the kittens needed. Maybe he just liked how warm they were. He would let kittens nurse on him if they wanted. He would wrestle super gently with them. He even tried to take their bottles for them. He loved the KMR, but unfortunately it stopped loving him...projectile KMR is not pretty!

This picture is probably 5-6 years ago...we still have these beds, and the boys still love them. They were a good find at Target of all places.


  1. Awww, Tanner, you are such a sweet, dear boy!!! That is so furry kewl of you to let the little fosters hang out with you!!! And you have a super groovy bed too!

  2. What an awesome kitty you are.

  3. Tanner you are such a sweetie! And the KMR is always popular in our house too - we mixed it into the food when the youngest were little - the big kitties always wanted to steal it! And if we put some out for the kitten to drink - big cats always took it. We were lucky though - we never had it returned!

  4. Hello, sweet Tanner! You're just a hunk o' burnin' love!

  5. Hi Suzanne,

    This is so precious of Tanner. What a big sweetie!

    Thanks for your e-mail. :)


  6. Awwwww....they look so cute in that photo. And that looks like a really comfy bed.

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  7. What a good Mummy he was! And what a great cuddle pile!


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