Monday, February 22, 2016

Mancat Monday

The mancats had a great weekend...
The weather was nice enough on Saturday to open the windows for a little while.  Oliver loved hearing his birds as well as watching them eat.  The tree to the right of this window has the suet feeders in it. 
The boys were given a new bed from a friend for hosting her cat Guinness for a week.  Tanner took right to it and has been in it everyday since.  He loves new things and always seems appreciative.


  1. doodz....we had sooooper nice weatherz on caturday itz bak ta crazed winter time.....oh well....springz rite round de korner sew phil sayz ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  2. Tanner fits in that bed pretty good.

  3. That bed looks great. Tanner, you fit purrfectly!

  4. That is a nice new bed and window whiffs are great too.


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