Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Two on Tuesday

Spending time outside in December is a nice treat...no allergens for Smokey to worry about!  Devon (left) and Smokey discuss the plan for the outing.

NOTE: We have changed the settings for comments, as we are getting some inappropriate ones from anonymous commenters.  If the setting we  have chosen prevents you from commenting, please let me know through email, and I'll adjust them again.  scanipe1 at nc dot rr dot com  Thanks for understanding.


  1. Not a bad idea to let Man-Cats out to soak up some warm sun. Mr. Pibbs enjoys sunning on back porch every afternoon.

    Sorry you are getting not-nice comments. People should get a life and not a mean one.

  2. You kitties look like you have some nice winter sun puddles!

  3. It is always nice when you get a sunny day and can get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air.

  4. Love the photo... with the shadows, there are four cats again.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  5. Looking good, Devon and Smokey! We always love spending time in the winter sun, too. :)

  6. You two look like you're planning something big!!

  7. Oh, wonderful sunshine! Hope you absorbed as much of it as possible! Purrs...from your friends at Colehauscats.com

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    That sunshine sure looks good!

    Even though it is raining at my place, I kind of like being out in it. The lady has all sorts of warm beds/comforters set up for me, and I even have a cozy Igloo right on the balcony, but I'd rather just watch the rain.


We love comments...meows and purrs please!