Monday, May 23, 2022

Mancat Monday

 The boys have been busy and enjoying life!  All is well at our house.
Harrison decided to sleep in Rusty's spot on the bed...I guess it is good to mix things up a bit!

Charles and Pumpkin have been enjoying porch time.

The peony has bloomed and is finished now, but it was pretty while it lasted.

Our vacuum cleaner that we've had for close to 20 years has broken.  I took it to the vacuum cleaner hospital this morning, but they can't repair it.  They will recycle it for us.  So sad.

Pumpkin found a good spot on the couch and fell asleep last night.

Auntie went out to get fresh catnip and 6 cats were waiting on her to return!  Harrison is under the chair.

Charles' nail has finally healed...we do not have weekly visits any longer!!

Rusty loves when I spray my mattress pad with Lysol before putting on clean sheets.

Charles being cute.

Charles is long and slender...he is a funny boy

Flynn enjoys eating and getting his neck scratched.  I feel like his upper canines are sticking out of his mouth further...I wonder if he will lose those this year when he goes to the dentist?

Thanks for stopping by to check on the crew...hope you are all doing well.


  1. It's great everyone is doing well, thanks for the update! Rusty and Lysol??? Seriously? That's a new one on us! :-D

  2. It is nice to see everyone and hear they are doing well.

  3. Glad you are all doing ok. Different furs on the bed changes up the color scheme.

  4. Nice to see everyone. Glad all is well. :)

  5. How nice to see you all! We are glad things are going well. :)


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