Monday, May 06, 2019

Mancat Monday

 Lots of photos in this weeks post.  I missed last week because I was in New Orleans for a work conference.  While that wouldn't necessarily be my first choice for a destination city, we all had a nice time and enjoyed a lot of delicious food!
Harrison enjoying a new cube style bed.  I put away Santa's Toy Shop and the Cafe, so replaced it with something else they could get in and hide. 

Flynn, Harrison and Cousin George look like they are up to something...the size difference between Flynn and Harrison is evident here.  Flynn is about 6 pounds heavier than Harry.

Oliver helped me change the sheets...

Then we took a selfie... 

Rusty, and all the boys, love this brown paper.  It's been in the floor for a few weeks now, and migrates around the downstairs.  Tonight, it is going in the recycling!

Rusty loves nothing more than to be washed by Oliver.  Oliver will oblige at times, but then can get a little rough with him.  Here's a sweet video of them...

Weekends are hard work...everyone is wiped out.  Here's Oliver.




Flynn loves to be vacuumed!

We are friends with two little boys (human) that love the cats.  Pirate is their favorite.  They are 6 and 8 years old.  The 8 year old asked if the cats all had their own mailbox for their letters?  We, of course, said no.  He explained to us how they should work, and asks about them every time we see him.  So, Auntie and I made mailboxes yesterday for all the cats.  Here are the ones for my four.  I think they turned out super cute!  

Pirate has written a letter to one of the kids guinea pigs.  They were so excited about it!  The letter is hooked on her cage now.  We need to get busy and write the other two now.  This will be a fun summer project for us and a good learning tool for the boys.

That's all that is going on at our house...


  1. You always seem to have fun things going on at your house! Those mailboxes are adorable, btw.

    So is the video of Rusty and Oliver! It was sweet the way Rusty turned his head to the other side when Oliver paused, as if asking for grooming on the right now, please. Don't stop, please. :-)

    Take care and have a great week!

  2. Flynn and Harrison are like Eric and Flynn were. Eric was always about 7 pounds heavier than Flynn even though they were litter mates.
    I love the video of Oliver washing Rusty. He looked up as much as to say that he surely can't have finished yet.

  3. Those mailboxes are so cute! We hope everyone gets lots of mail now. :) we can’t believe Flynn likes to get vacuumed. No way would we let that thing come near us!

  4. Flynn is unique. My cats don't like the vacuum.


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