Monday, February 24, 2014

Mancat Monday

This mancat seemed to be getting over his very persistant cold, but ended up this weekend with a very swollen eye, with lots of discharge.  He earned a trip to the VET this morning, and is now on antibiotics and more eye ointment for the next 10 days.  Hoping this will do the trick, and he'll be back to playing with his favorite crinkle puff balls before long!


  1. Uh oh! You have my sympathies and the boys' purrs. We all hope Tanner kicks this soon!

  2. Awwwww Tanner!! Please be ok and get better! Sending you many purrs and healing hugs! Take care

  3. Sending purrs for Tanner to soon be feeling better.

  4. Oh no, Tanner! We hope you kick this thing soon.

  5. Poor Tanner, that darn eye had been a stinker! Hope this treatment works. Have our paws crossed here.
    Marty and the gang

  6. Poor Tanner! Gosh, we hope you get all better real soon. Paws crossed!


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