Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Weight Loss Wednesday

This week, Tanner had a slight increase.  We had been adding some extra snacks and treats to his diet to help slow the weight loss down a bit.  I guess we over did it some!  The vet is super pleased, and would like for us to try and maintain where we are, but if a bit more is lost then that is not a problem.  He is a good size and is enjoying the health benefits of having lost over 4 pounds!
Current Weight: 15 lbs, 13 oz...increase of 1 ounce this week.
After a few very cold days, we had some warmer weather, and the boys enjoyed a bit of outside time...Here are a couple of photos from this past Sunday.



  1. don't worry Tanner - you are just making sure you don't loose too much winter padding :)

  2. You're looking super Tanner.... Great job.

    Have a super day.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  3. Four pounds is an awesome weight loss, Tanner! That's like 25% more than you weigh now. You've done a great job, and I bet there are a lot of humans who envy your accomplishment.

  4. Tanner, you're looking so good, buddy!

  5. Seriously, we are just SO proud of you, Tanner.

  6. Wow , I wish I could do weight loss. I can eat any occasion , any season...tee.heh
    Concats to you, kudos to you

  7. Well done Tanner, you are looking good. 1oz is just a little fluctuation and nothing to worry about.


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