Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Two times Two on Tuesday

Canned food is a nightly treat at our house.  Everyone gets a fourth of a small can...sometimes we mix lysine in each portion, and sometimes we add a bit of Missing Link.
 They aren't always so bunched up like this eating...I guess everyone was hungry when the food was ready to serve! 
Some of the favorite flavors are "Chicken and Liver", "Ocean Whitefish and Tuna", and "Turkey and Giblets".  Auntie is standing guard because Tanner eats faster than the rest and will try to finish their plates too!


  1. Mmm, sounds good to us! :-)

    Though admittedly 90% of our diet *is* canned. LOL. Shhhhh--We'd actually prefer dry, but our human gives us only a couple of TBSPs a day! (Something about Derry's idiopathic cystitis, bladder issues, blah blah.)

  2. Canned food is just sooo jummy !
    Me too get it as a nightly treat :)

  3. Dang, I don't think you saved me any!

  4. We are lucky kitties - we ONLY get canned food! My human says she spends more money feeding us than she does feeding herself!

  5. We have been on wet food since Buddy had to cut a few pounds. We love it. Dad makes us a meal daily from chicken too for our Rumpies, um, Bumpie let us say. Dad makes us chicken treats too.

  6. Wow, what a treat! Good thing Auntie is watching, so that everyone gets their share. :)


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