Monday, May 14, 2012

Mancat Monday - The paper trail

The Paper Trail

The mancats have been enjoying this paper trail for a couple of weeks came in the big box, which held two new X scratchers.  Devon, in particular, loves to shred paper...he's been working hard on this piece.  Tanner and the other mancats enjoy laying on it, playing with their toys in it, and sleeping with it.  Does this offically make us a crazy cat house when we'll leave trash in the floor for weeks on end, just for the enjoyment of the cats?  No, don't answer that!  LOL


  1. All that paper looks SO fun! Yowza!

    BTW, happy Gotcha Day to Smokey...At least according to the CB. :-)

  2. No crazier than our house!!

    Smokey, Happy Birthday! We think you were SUCH a cutie kitten.

  3. Awwww of course not!! Paper is the best toy ever! Yay for gorgeous Devon, Smokey and Tanner! Take care

  4. That looks like fun! I want to know why MY human hasn't let us do that - we have packing that would make an awesome trail just like yours!

  5. That paper is so much fun. You guys are so lucky. Our mom would never leave paper on the floor for us for a couple of weeks.

  6. You kitties are just doing your mom a favor. I'm sure you're only playing with the paper so she doesn't feel bad for leaving it lay around. That is so thoughtful.
    ; ) Katie


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