Monday, April 15, 2019

Mancat Monday

The mancats are all doing well.  It's been business as usual around our house...

Oliver caught mid yawn!  The boys are always so tired on the weekends!

Rusty and Harrison love to wrestle...we weighed yesterday and Rusty is still a few ounces smaller than Harrison, although it doesn't look like it in this picture!

A video of a wrestling match...

All the boys love these beds in my craft room.  This room is closed unless I am in there, so they love to come in and look around then nap.

A fun game of pokey stick is a great way to end the day...

Although Flynn didn't get a picture this week, he is just fine and as goofy as ever!

Monday, April 08, 2019

Mancat Monday

This post will show that Mancats can be naughty!
Rusty is a swatty kitten, and doesn't mind slapping the others, sometimes for no reason!  Here, Flynn is eating some of Pirate's leftovers, and you can see that Rusty is trying to wait patiently for his turn...

Patience has run out!

Here is a bag of food that was hidden behind a large container...should have been safe from naughty mancats... 
Not safe!  No wonder the mancats weren't hungry for dinner!

The mancats got bored one day and pulled down a basket with some of their toys in it...Probably scared them all too much so they couldn't even enjoy the spoils!

Mancats are funny and keep me on my toes!

Monday, April 01, 2019

Mancat Monday

The boys and their cousins had a nice weekend.  Windows were opened for a little while on Saturday morning.  Everyone enjoyed sniffing the fresh air and hearing the birds.
Windows won't be opened for a couple of weeks because we are now in pollen season...everything is turning yellow! 
We have three hanging ferns on the front porch.  The birds were waiting for Auntie to put them out this year, and they have been busy!  5 eggs in this fern...

Three eggs in another, and the third fern doesn't have a nest...

Rusty loves the birds too...

He finally caught one!
Rusty is a mighty hunter!

We hope you are enjoying your spring weather and having fun!