Monday, July 30, 2012

Mancat Monday

Mancats love to play and have many toys to choose from...however, there is a problem...
 Here's Devon laying nicely by the Undercover Mouse asking to play...
So sad that no one is around to turn it on for him...what a tough life the mancat leads!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mancats are Pirates

Mom found a fun toy at the Petsmart when she was working and just had to pick it up for us...
 Tanner is helping read the instructions to her...
 Devon is checking out the progress...looking good so far...
 Cousin Pirate comes over to check out his new pirate ship! 
 Smokey inspects the interior of the scurvy dogs in here!
Tanner loves the cozy feel to the ship...

Mancats love pirates and new toys! AARRRGGHHH!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday in the Garden

 Many of you will remember last week when we showed the following picture of our baby fevvers...

Well, this was taken on Sunday of this week...they are getting so big!
On Wednesday morning they were all gone from the nest, so we think they have flown the coop!  Best of luck to our fevvers!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Toesday Tuesday

The toes featured on today's post are moms...she and Auntie deserted us last weekend and headed off to the beach...
 Toes about to get wet!  Mom said the water was just perfect, so nice and warm...
 Toes in the sand...nothing better than sitting under and umbrella, reading a good book, digging your toes in the sand and listening to the waves crashing...heaven!
Beautiful ocean...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Purrs Needed for Alex and Charlie

Some of our friends are in need of healing purrs...please send one to them today...
 Alex is showing his age and would appreciate some words of's hard to see our friends feeling poorly and senior boys hold a special place in our hearts.

Charlie needs to have all his remaning teeth removed to help with the calici virus...he could use some purrs for the surgery to be uncomplicated, and healing to be quick. 

We are sending healing and comforting purrs to each of these special boys and their humans today.

Comments are off for this post.

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Trio on Tuesday

We have a trio of baby fevvers in the knock-out rose bush by the front door.  We noticed the nest a few weeks ago, and saw the we have babies!  These are baby mockingbirds.  They are just a few days old.
 They felt the nest rustle when I moved the branches a touch and they were expecting a meal!
They are quiet as can be at the moment, but I know it won't be long before they are chirping at mom...and since they are under my bedroom window, I will hear them!  I guess that's better than the bird that builds a nest in my bathroom vent every Spring!

Monday, July 09, 2012

Mancats Rock!

Yesterday, we were watching the Tour de France, and the boys wondered where their winners jersey's were.  I had picked this shirt jersey up for Devon several weeks ago, so we put it on those that wanted to wear it...
 Smokey looks like a true Rocker in the winners jersey...
 Pirate was the most enthusiastic until it came time to actually wearing the jersey!
Devon was an old pro and did not really mind wearing the fit him like a glove! 

None of the others wanted to try the jersey on...they are happy to be spectators!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Thirsty Thursday

We've been having the really hot hots here lately, and Tanner is thankful for his fountain.  I thought about entitling this post, "Mancats have a drinking problem"...take a look...
 This fountain has a stream of water flowing out of it...behind Tanner's head.  He loves to put his chin over the stream and drink from the base...his neck and chin get all wet in the process.
 Another view of the preferred drinking pose...
 Now sometimes, he'll move to the side and just lick the plastic bowl...not sure he's actually getting any water this way...
 Finally he figured it out!
 Yummy, this is nice fresh water!
Oops back to the problem drinking...getting the chin all wet!  It's funny too, that he'll walk around the plant in the corner to get in the preferred drinking spot, instead of just walking up to the fountain. 

My boys are all crazy!

Monday, July 02, 2012

Mancat Monday

This edition of Mancat Monday will focus on the largest of our mancats - Tanner.

Tanner has had a few changes take place over the last few months.  You might remember we started him on an anti-anxiety medicine called Amitryptaline (sp).  He used this for one month, it was an ear cream.  We saw some behavior improvements in him, but it was not his miracle drug.  We switched over to Reconcile (Prozac).  This has given us the results we were looking peeing anywhere but the box, not nervous around the other cats (primarily Pirate), able to stand up for himself if a bopping match starts, all around a calmer, more confident cat.  We are pleased!

We tried the diet that Disco has been on and doing so well with...we had limited success.  Tanner just simply eats too much.  We have now moved to the prescription diet recommended by the nutritionists at the vet school.  This is working well, and Tanner and his brothers are learning how to eat on a schedule.  This has been a huge adjustment for them.  The main problem for some of them (Devon) is that he hasn't learned to eat enough when the bowl is available.  Then the next time it is available, he over eats and gorges himself.   Anyone that has switched to a scheduled feeding have any suggestions about how to help Devon understand?

Tanner's Diet - Royal Canin Satiety Support, he gets 1 cup a day, and typically doesn't eat it all.  He still gets canned food in the evenings.  He started at 19.6lbs, and is now down to 18.14lbs...we are making progress.

You can see the boys still get plenty of fresh catnip to munch on, especially on the weekends. 

That's about it...happy Mancat Monday to you all!